Here's a Quick Checklist for Printing A Book

Here's a Quick Checklist for Printing A Book

When you are ready to print a book, you'll need to relay the following printing and binding information to your printer-

Don't worry if you are unsure of any of these specifications, your printer can help guide you.

  • Quantity - How many books do you need?
  • Size - What is the width and height of the book in its finished form?
  • Page Count - How many pages (not sheets) are in your book?
  • Bindery Style - How do you want the pages and cover bound together? For example, are they perfect bound, spiral coil bound, stapled?
  • Paper Thickness and Type - Do you have a particular weight of paper in mind or are you flexible? Is the cover thicker than the interior pages? Do you want the cover or pages to be glossy?
  • Color and Placement of Ink - Do you want full color printing, specific PMS color(s) or black ink? Will the cover be printed on both sides or just the outside? Will the cover be printed in a different ink color than the interior pages?
  • Finishing Operations - Are there any special needs such as 3-hole drilling or shrink-wrapping?
  • Desired Delivery Date and Zip Code - At some point, it will help to share the requested date of delivery and also where the order is to be delivered.

For a more thorough explanation of the information your printer will need before quoting and printing your book project, check out our article Book Printing: What Info does a Printer need to Quote accurately?

Formax specializes in soft cover book printing, such as Perfect Bound books, Saddle Stitched books, Spiral or Coil bound books, etc. We can simplify the book printing process for you and would be happy to quote on any upcoming book projects you may have.

Take care! Rick