How to Print a Children's Story Book for the Lowest Possible Cost

How to Print a Children's Story Book for the Lowest Possible Cost

So you have your great idea, maybe you have even written your children's story or maybe you are just beginning. Wherever you are in your writing process, at some point you will need to think about printing your book so you can share it with others. This article will quickly and easily explain the different types of books that can be printed and created to help ease your mind in publishing your children's book.

Ways To Print Your Children's Book

Let's Talk Perfect Binding: There are many benefits to a perfect bound book. This method uses a soft cover book binding method where the pages and cover are glued together at the spine with a strong, flexible thermal glue. They come in a square, printable spine, and the cover is usually heavier than the interior pages. The cover can also be clear-coated to provide durability and improve appearance.

Another great option isSaddle-Stitch Binding. This is one of the most popular bookbinding methods. It is the least expensive method, the turnaround time is quite fast, it can be used for short production runs, it works very well for lower page counts, it allows the books to be made in a wide range of sizes, this is a great option for pieces that will be mailed.

If your children's book is interactive such as a sticker book, coloring book, or painting book you may choose Spiral or Coil Binding. This method joins the pages of a book together using a durable plastic coil that is inserted into small holes punched along the spine of the book cover and pages. The major benefit to this type of book is that the pages can be opened a full 360 degrees so it can remain flat and both pages are easily read.

Another favorite for children's books is hardcover books. These differ as they have a hard outer cover, and the pages are either sewn together or glued together. This type of binding method is ideal for children's books, textbooks, or member directories. This option also works great for coffee table books, history books, biographies, and yearbooks.

Why are Children's books so important?

Children's books create a special bond between adults and kids as they read books together. Children's books help children develop important vocabulary skills, reading skills, as well as language skills. Children's books can be interactive and let children use their imaginations when reading them. Reading a printed book vs an online book makes the story come to life with pictures, different text features, and colors. It is much more engaging for children to read a printed book vs reading online. Plus, who doesn't love that new freshly printed book smell!

The Top 5 reasons why children should read more.

1. Reading helps children learn about different topics and gives them new interests.

2. Reading helps children develop concentration skills.

3. Reading helps children develop their imagination skills. Their imagination takes over and allows them to fill in the story's details.

4. Reading increases children's vocabulary by exposing them to different words they may not have heard otherwise.

5. Reading is fundamental to all skills they will do the rest of their lives.

Dr. Seuss a famous children's author said it best "You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back relax, all you need is a book."

Whatever your story is about there is a perfect option out there for getting your children's book printed and in the hands of your audience. If you have an upcoming print project, call Formax Printing at 866-367-6221. Or, if you already know your specs, submit our easy quote form. As always, we look forward to assisting you!

Take care! Rick