Laminated Printing: Your Guide to Outsourcing Laminated Print Projects

Laminated Printing: Your Guide to Outsourcing Laminated Print Projects

Lamination is a popular option for many printed pieces, especially those that will experience frequent handling or be exposed to dirty, greasy or damp environments.

However, many quick printers, copy shops and other commercial printers do not have the equipment to produce laminated pieces, nor can they justify buying laminating equipment based on the occasional need. So if one of their customers requests laminated printing, they often decline the project.

By declining, three negative outcomes usually occur. First, the printer misses an opportunity to expand the client relationship. Second, the printer forgoes the chance to earn additional profit for the business. Third, the printer inadvertently opens the door to a competitor.

Sometimes, a printer may arrange to print the base material in-house and then send it elsewhere to be laminated. However, this can become quite a hassle as well, because it involves extra handling and the shipping of bulky boxes back and forth.

If you are a commercial printer and any of the above describes your situation, you should consider outsourcing your laminated print projects to a trusted trade partner. This will enable you to profit from laminated projects that you might otherwise be compelled to decline- and outsourcing is super easy.

How outsourcing works-

It is a very simple process - the printer takes his/her customer's order, forwards the specs and artwork to a trade partner, then the trade partner prints and laminates the project at a wholesale rate. Depending on the arrangement, the completed order is then either sent to the printer for distribution, or blind-shipped directly to the printer's customer. Either way, the printer's relationship with its customer is protected at all times.

Print shops that outsource laminated projects have an edge over other printers that say "no" to laminated projects or merely refer the customer to someone else. If you are unable to accept laminated printing orders because you lack the equipment or expertise, you really should explore the many benefits of outsourcing. It's really quite easy to do, and outsourcing helps you capture profits you might other wise miss!

Do you have additional questions about the advantages of outsourcing your laminated print projects? Just give Formax a call at 866-367-6221.

Whether you need price lists, instruction sheets, diagrams, maps, cards, tags, educational materials or any other laminated pieces, Formax will print and laminate these projects for you- so basically all you'll have to do is forward us the job specs and then invoice your customer.

Let us show you just how profitable - and incredibly simple - outsourcing laminated printing can be!

Take care! Rick